Madmagz - Travail à faire sur la grande lessive
Par Elisa Gy (Collège Le Racinay, Rambouillet (78)) le 16 octobre 2014, 19:45 - School excursions - Lien permanent
Le site :
identifiant et mot de passe sur Pronote.
UPDATE : Le fichier avec les flashcodes et les padlets est en PJ.
Les consignes: ouvrez le document et choisissez un élève.
Ouvrez ses deux padlets en copiant l'adresse url ou en flashant les flashcodes.
Essayez de comprendre qui est cette personne.
Dans le madmagz, dites qui vous avez choisi et décrivez cette personne en 5 phrases.
I chose... . He/she is... He/she looks... He/she seems....
PS: Essayez de ne pas tous choisir les mêmes élèves... Allez voir ce qu'auront fait les camarades ;)
LES 2 DERNIERS : Mattéo (tu étais absent, mais met tout de même un petit mot...)et Jean-Baptiste. Si vraiment vous n'arrivez pas à publier sur le Madmagz, envoyez moi vos textes par mail à ;)
Good afternoon miss the flash code didn't work yesterday, I have tried with Thomas Bliard.
Which one?
Hello Miss
during the school escursion I had a school's tablette so I can't make my page on the madmagz.
good bye
Hi Miss,
I'm really sorry but I don't know how to delete a picture on the Madmagz's blog.
Joris, no problem, you just have to write a short text about the exhibition. Look at what your friends did ;)
Jean-Baptiste, you deleted your page! I've created a new one for you, page 33 ;)
Hello Miss,
I'm so sorry but I don't understand how to join my page with others's pages.
Could you help me?
I'm so confused.
Jean-Baptiste, you just have to go on page 33 (on the left) click on the text part and write your own comment.
Hello Miss,
I've feel in my page but when I wanted to save it, it didn't worked and all my page is lost!
Excuse me miss I cannot post on the magazine because the number is odd, help me ;(' ;(' !!!!!!!
If you see this message it is because I gone to lie down and if I made all that it was necessary but he stood out there that it is necessary whether it is a multiple of 4 the number of page while I am 29 I am really sorry, Julie.
Julie, your text is published on the madmagz, no problem ;)