Heloise's show and tell

Here is Heloise's show and tell about...her music box!

Next week, Aude's turn!


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1. Le 11 mars 2011, 20:58 par Héloïse Maillard

Oh my god! I'm making a face! xD
I hope I'll have a good ... mark ^^

2. Le 11 mars 2011, 21:15 par Mrs Gy

;-)) You will, don't worry ;)

3. Le 13 mars 2011, 12:04 par Louise Trotignon

You're the best /o/

4. Le 21 mars 2011, 21:39 par Héloïse Maillard

Oh yes, I know, I know... xD
You're the best too! \o/

And thanks Mrs Gy! ^^