19 mars 2020

Coronavirus time

Hi everyone,

we will be able to work from far far away!

For :

-  the 2ndes I would like you to prepare your short report on your short work experience.

- the tle will work on  the CNED paper

- the 1ères will work on the online book TIp Top

- the CAP will work on the online book Match point.


30 avril 2019

Theme 1 : Deadly Jobs

A short text inspired by Dickens.

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03 avril 2019

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

We watched that film just before Christmas.

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02 avril 2019

The Time Capsule

souvenez vous nous nous sommes amusés à copier Andy Warhol. 

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13 mai 2018

BAC M 2018

Extract from "the Travels of my T-Shirt.

The Story of Doc Martens

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BAC M 2018

THEME 2 : Work Experience

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08 avril 2018

Theme 1 BAC M 2018

The text on Mrs Lapper's statue



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15 mars 2018

My work experience.

From your own experience and also remembering the situations we listened to in class.

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Barefoot in South Africa

I have the great good fortune to live in a country where a barefoot lifestyle is not just tolerated but encouraged.

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Barefoot in Kenya

Kenya : Getting to School by Foot.

With few cars, no school bus and often muddy paths, there are few options but to walk or run to school in the Mount Elgon region in Kenya. Some pupils travel up to 15km per day without shoes.

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