The story of the Paralympic Games

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The story of the Paralympic Games

The concept for the Paralympic Games was invented by Sir Ludwig Guttmann, an English neurosurgeon, in 1948 to offer athletic therapy for people in wheelchairs.

These people were soldiers injured during the Second World War.

With Guttmann , radical changes in the methods of treating people with spinalcord injuries were introduced.

Guttmann recognized the value of recreation and sport as a catalyst for rehabilition therapy and it makes the patients happier.

He organized the first International Wheelchair Games to coincide with the 1948 London Olympic Games.

The Games took place in Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Aylesbury, England, with just a few athletes. The events were more to experience something new for the people with spinalcord injuries than about competition.

Sir Ludwig Guttman died in 1980 but his vision for athletes with disability continues.

The Paralympics now show the world’s elite athletes with a disability in a rigorous sporting competition where spectators are very enthusiastic young and old they fill the stadiums and amaze a potential international television audience on millions.


Adapted from the Australian Paralympic Committee

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Un plus : Je vous invite à parler des jeux paralympiques d’hiver qui  se terminent.

I watched the Paralympic games in Korea because I love winter sports./ I didn’t watch the Paralympic Games in Korea because I don’t like winter sports..

The French athletes did very well.

Vous pouvez donner des exemples : Marie Bochet, Arthur Bauchet…