suivi 2014

pour Sarah on the film "The Help"

Fil des billets

08 mai 2014

some tips

For all your characters in the black issue section,use of very simple sentences, try to remember some important dates and be careful with your grammar and keep on smiling!

some tips

For all your the characters in the black issue section, think of very simple sentences, try to remember some important dates and be careful with your grammar and keep on smiling!

some tips

For all your the characters in the black issue section, think of very simple sentences, try to remember some important dates and be careful with your grammar and keep on smiling!

23 avril 2014


Vous pouvez trouver dans le thèmes 2012 du blog quelques aides car j'avais traité ce sujet avec une classe.


Here is a link for you to get some tips to create your presentation.

On monday,  I'll be happy to get your work in my locker.*

* je récupère vos présentations lundi dans mon casier ou en mains propres.

oraux 2014

Here I am at last.

I know you are busy working hard and terribly missing your teacher...

You will find some tips for Black Issue and Marvels.

In French now a few words :

Utilisez la case recherche pour aller vers les thèmes qui vous concernent. Exemples : "work experience" ou "marvels"

03 février 2014

Back to work

Now it is time to recollect and to get some good ways and means.

02 mai 2013

welcome everybody and good from you you're working.

I'm going to give you some more help in order to be ready for the end of May.