Global warming is a global phenomenon of climate transformation that constantly expresses a  general increase in average temperatures and alters weather balances and ecosystems. This may be caused  by various things and having an impact on our future. 


According to scientists, the cause of this global warming is the accentuation of greenhouse gases caused by industrial activities (factories, emission of toxic gases into the air, etc..) these gases are naturally present in the atmosphere and have the role of retaining the heat of the sun and keep the earth at an average temperature of fifteen degrees.   


In fact, it generates a lot of problems on the environment or health such as:


-Constant increase of the temperature  


- Modification of natural balances (heat wave, acidity of the oceans, strom) 


-accentuation of the evaporation of water 


- New diseases 


- Animal extinction 


To fight global warming, there are recycling policies, non-profit concerts, food changes. We can mention other examples over the world like: 


-The concert “Climate Ultimatum” in Paris 


-Waste collection in the Pacific Ocean by the ship “Ocean Cleanup” 


- The end of plastic packaging in stores. 


Finally, our future is at stake, so to contribute to the fight against global warming, let us all get to work and now !