Mot-clé - show and tell

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05 mai 2010

Jordan's show and tell

Here is Jordan's Show and Tell about his...lynx! 

In two weeks, Anita and Thelma's turn! ;)

14 avril 2010

Hugo's Show and tell

Here is Hugo's Show and tell about...his concert ticket! 

And as promised, here is the video clip so that you can listen to this awesome music band! :p

After the holidays, Jordan's turn! ;)

Cléa's Show and tell

Here is Cléa's Show and tell about...her riding award! It's called "un flot" in French ;)

07 avril 2010

Emilie's Show and Tell

Here is Emilie's show and tell about...her favourite music piece for piano! 

Sorry about the quality of the video... :(

Next week, Cléa and Hugo's turns!

24 mars 2010

Tiphanie's Show and Tell

Here is Tiphanie's Show and Tell about... a ring!

In two weeks...Cléa and Emilie's turn!

Carole's Show and tell

Here is Carole's Show and Tell about her ...dancing shoes!

10 mars 2010

Benjamin's Show and Tell

Here is Benjamin's Show and tell about his....darts!

Next week, Carole's turn and Tiphanie's turn.

17 février 2010

Alize's Show and Tell

Here is Alizé's show and tell about her...disco ball! 

After the holidays...Benjamin's turn!

10 février 2010

Sarah's Show and tell

Here is Sarah's yummy show and tell about...sweets

Next week...Alizé's turn!

03 février 2010

Goeffrey's Show and Tell

Here is Geoffrey's show and tell about...his football!


It's a very precious ball....Look at the picture!! Yes, Michel Platini's autograph! Amazing, huh? ;)


Next week, Sarah's turn!

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