26 mai 2010

European karaoke n°1

Attention, j'ai changé la chanson!!! Je vous expliquerai ;)

The Hungry Planet

Here is the pictures from the book: The Hungry Planet" ;)

Delphine's presentation

Here is Delphine's presentation about England. 

have a look at her photos in "attached files".

Thank you Delphine!

Cecile's show and tell

Here is the last Show and tell of the year...Cécile's about....Titi! 

And that's the end of our project "Show and tell". Did you like it? ;)

25 mai 2010

Cookbook...en ligne!!!

Ca y'est, vos travaux sont en ligne sur le site du collège:


Il y a des choses très différentes et très rigolotes, regardez les toutes!!! 

Félicitations à tous, vous pouvez être fiers de vos travaux! :)

19 mai 2010

Giuseppe Arcimboldo

Today, we talked about the famous Italian painter Giuseppe Arcimboldo... 

If you want further information, click on the following links :




Here is the Powerpoint presentation if you want to revise your vocabulary about vegetables. Next week, I'll give you a vocabulary sheet about fruit.

Don't forget your next project : "Create a VEGMAN / VEGWOMAN"! Try to be original and creative!! Deadline: June 2nd. 

Enjoy yourself! ;)

Australia by Federico

Thank you Féderico for your presentation of your trip to Australia!

Here is some pictures...

Next week, Delphine's presentation!

Anita and Thelma's Show and tell

Here is Anita and Thelma's Show and tell about....their Ipods!

Next week, Cécile's turn...and it will be the last Show and tell of the year ;)

06 mai 2010

English Day!!

J'espère que vous avez apprécié le repas anglais...On en rediscutera en cours!! ;)

Bravo à tous pour vos efforts vestimentaires en ce jour de l'anglais au collège!!

Quelques photos de vous...que vous étiez beaux!! :)

Et bientôt sur le site du collège, des photos de la semaine européenne à la cantine....

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