30 mars 2012

Celebration: April Fools' Day

Thank you for your presentation today!

Live tweet on Twitter. Follow us! @LeRacinayEuro4

Emma's show and tell

Here is Emma's show and tell about...her perfume!

24 mars 2012

The Euro 4 celebrate Red nose day...

Thanks Mathilde ;)

Celebration: Red Nose day

Clara and Zoé did a great presentation about Red Nose Day! Thank you girls! 

You can follow the presentation on Twitter @LeRacinayEuro4...

Amel's show and tell

Here is Amel's show and tell about...her Ipod Touch! 

21 mars 2012

Celebration: Saint Patrick's Day

Thanks girls for your presentation about this Irish celebration! 

17 mars 2012

Emma's show and tell

Here is Emma's show and tell about...her concert tickets!

09 mars 2012

Alixe's show and tell

Alixe's show and tell about...a horseshoe!

07 mars 2012

Nathan's show and tell

Here is Nathan's show and tell about his...Rubik's Cube! 

17 février 2012


Let's keep in touch on Twitter @LeRacinayEuro4 !

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