10 novembre 2012

US Elections

Look at this Prezi presentation about the US elections :


Obama's victory speech

Here is a link to Obama's victory speech : 


03 novembre 2012

Celebration : Guy Fawkes Night

Watch the video here : 


and try to do the activities below. 

Guy Fawkes: the gunpowder plot video

Watch this video from BBC History : 

22 octobre 2012

Film extracts : The Queen

We watched some extracts today :

Send some tweets about the movie.

Marion B's show and tell

19 octobre 2012

Lancement du blog du voyage en GB!

A mettre dans vos favoris! 


18 octobre 2012

My stamp for the Olympics!

My stamp for the Olympics!

09 octobre 2012

Our penfriends' school

Here is their school website :


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