Here is a picture of the newly born princess :
And a video about her name...
Use the comments to tell us what you heard, saw about this second royal baby!
03 mai 2015
Par Elisa Gy (Collège Le Racinay, Rambouillet (78)) le 03 mai 2015, 17:08
Here is a picture of the newly born princess :
And a video about her name...
Use the comments to tell us what you heard, saw about this second royal baby!
03 janvier 2015
Par Elisa Gy (Collège Le Racinay, Rambouillet (78)) le 03 janvier 2015, 15:47
16 décembre 2014
Par Elisa Gy (Collège Le Racinay, Rambouillet (78)) le 16 décembre 2014, 10:48