Because Ferguson is happening right now, but systemic racism happens every day.
Forms of protest: did you see that one coming?
dans la catégorie For fun
This video will certainly make you slam!
dans la catégorie Media
Listen to this video and answer this question:
What does this teacher make?
Write one example in a comment. (Make sure to click on the post title to make the comments section appear).
Make sure to leave your name with your answer and it will count as participation.
21. to earn, acquire, or win for oneself: to make friends; make a fortune.
"How much do you make?"
"I make $2,000 a month."
Game #4: Make that text grammatically correct!
dans la catégorie Media
Make it quick and make it a perfect score!
This new game will make you learn!
dans la catégorie Media
Adverts will make people believe rubbish...
Play this game until you get a perfect score!
Your teacher does not watch TV, so she lacks inspiration. Leave a comment and write new sentences with MAKE so. DO sth.
If you leave your name, it will count as participation. Make sure to click on the post to make the comment section appear.
Spot the adverbs! Game # 2
dans la catégorie Media
This game makes it easier for you to remember your vocabulary and to differentiate adjectives from adverbs.
Word cloud: Right or Wrong
dans la catégorie Genetics
This word cloud is made from synonyms of right and wrong.
1- Go on the website, register and create two different word clouds: one for synonyms of RIGHT and the other for synonyms of WRONG. Look up the words you do not understand.
Print your clouds and keep them in your copybook.
2- Build your vocabulary.
For each word in the cloud, complete the following grid:
Noun |
Verb |
Adjective (positive connotation) |
Adjective (negative connotation) |
Adverb |
decency |
X |
decent |
decently |
Make sure to use a dictionary!
Vocabulary game!
dans la catégorie Media
Click on the pejorative adjectives. If you are correct, the words light up. You must get all the pejorative adjectives before the flames die out.