During the 8th of march, students prepared stands to inform others about various types
of violences that women experience on a daily basis, but also put up informations
about their rights and various famous women from different periods of history.
The stands were up for the whole day with students responsible of them answering
questions and such, but there was also a part that you could contribute to which
consisted of a wall with notes from students with the prompt "What 8th March should
be like".
The last thing was a testimonies wall with various stories from anonymous students
from the whole school about various acts of violence they have experienced.
It was a good idea to raise awareness but there was little to no information that
students in the age range from 15 to 18 didn't know already; personally i didn't learn
anything new about different types of violences or about woman's rights during this
event. The information was often vague and same things were repeated quite often.
It is important to have events like these in school though, as to not stay ignorant to
different issues that are happening right now. But most high schools students weren't
interested much in what was put up for the occasion. They showed little to no interest,
showing that stands with flyers wasn't a good approach to an event like this and didn't
attract much attention.
Its always important to raise awareness to these topics but a school can be a hard
target audience and often students ignore these types of events as they are too
occupied with other things and rarely pay attention.
15 mars 2022
Par Kabli Afaf (Lycée Romain Rolland, Goussainville 95) le 15 mars 2022, 14:32