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15 mars 2018

Mobilité 2018 : départ pour Galway

Dimanche 11 mars 12h  : les élèves de 1ère section européenne Accueil et Commerce accompagnés de leurs enseignantes s'envolent pour l'Irlande. Après un vol Paris/Dublin, le groupe termine son voyage en car. Arrivés à Galway en fin d'après-midi, les élèves sont accueillis par leur famille et passent leur première soirée irlandaise.


Lundi 12 mars : 

08h30 : arrivée à l'école de langues. Après un test écrit et un entretien, les élèves sont ensuite intégrés dans un groupe selon leur niveau et commencent leurs cours. Ceux-ci vont se poursuivre toute la semaine afin de renforcer leurs compétences linguistiques et de préparer leur mise en stage qui débutera lundi 19 mars.

































Cette opération est cofinancée par l'Union européenne dans le cadre du fonds social européen

27 juin 2016

Remise des Europass

Le jeudi 09 juin, M. le Proviseur a remis aux élèves de section européenne le certificat Europass Mobilité. Ce document est remis aux élèves ayant réalisé leur période de PFMP à l'étranger (5 semaines à Woking/Grande Bretagne) dans le cadre du programme Erasmus +. Reconnu en Europe, l'Europass mobilité leur permettra de mettre en avant leur expérience acquise à l'étranger et constitue un atout dans le cadre d'une poursuite d'études (BTS Commerce international par exemple). Pour conclure ce moment, les élèves, leurs professeurs et l'ensemble de l'équipe éducative ont ensuite partagé un moment convivial avant de retourner préparer les épreuves du baccalauréat.

03 avril 2016

Mobilité 2016 - WOKING

Weekly report : Cobie

First of all, this week I was named " chef of group " at the Woking Garden Centre, because I was the one who built all the barbecues and i was "better" at it than some of the people there. And I was also in charge of the set up of the shop because I was good a it also, they said I was a fast learner and that I showed some dedication.
I've been talking a lot to Ms Smith (my host family) because she's 87 years old and she knows a lot of stuff, she has a lot of culture. She's been teaching me a little bit of Geography and also History. We get along very well I think. I eat dinner with her every night.

Mobilité 2016 - WOKING

Weekly report : Adjia
Sunday 13th March : I arrived in my host Familly , they were very welcoming.
Wednesday 16  March :  I went to see my work placement and introduce myself to the team.

Thursday 17  March :  I was at school and after that my friends and I visited Woking .

Tuesday 22  March : I went to my work placement the Manager of the day showed me the shop.


Mobilité 2016 - WOKING

Weekly report : Fatoumata

Now it’s been two weeks since  we came to Woking and this second week we started our work placements. I do my work placement at WHsmith and since now i like it,  not as much that I thought I would but I like it. The staff there is really nice to me they try their best to always give me something to do so I would never get bored.

22 mars 2016

Mobilité 2016 - WOKING

Weekly report n°1 : H.

Sunday : I arrived to Brian and Carols’ house towards 5:00 PM. After that, Carol and I went outside, so she could show me the way to go for the next day. After that, we came back and had dinner ;we had deer, potatoes and a veggie mix and gravy. I found it weird eating deer, since I have never eaten any,but it actually was pretty good.

Monday: At 9:30 we went to class, and met Alicia and Laurianne, the organisers of the trip. We then met Niraj, our teacher for the week.

Wednesday : We needed to go and visit our workplacements, to present ourselves. So I went to BHS (Brittish Heart Foundation). I met the manager of the shop, Paul, who was very nice to me while presenting the store and the main tasks I’ll be doing on next Tuesday.





Mobilité 2016 - WOKING

Weekly report n°1 : Fatoumata

My first week in woking has been really nice because I’ve been able to discover a lot things about England and the differences between here and Paris for example people drive on the left side, a lot of things are cheaper here than in France especially restaurants;  At school we learn a lot things about how to act in a professional way the things to say and not say but also our presentation with a lot of details because it’s really important, we’ve also met other students that have been really nice to us.

I really liked my first week in Woking and i hope it’s gonna be better in the other weeks.




21 mars 2016

Mobilité 2016 - WOKING

Dans le cadre du programme Erasmus +, les élèves de section européenne des classes accueil et commerce ont débuté leur période de formation en milieu professionnel en Angleterre.

Ils sont partis le 13 mars pour Woking (Surrey) où ils resteront 5 semaines. Après une période d'une semaine de cours en école de langues, ils commencent le 21 mars leur période de formation en entreprise.

A suivre....    Cloud_5.png


