The movie was directed by Henry Selick and written by Caroline Thompson. This film is based on Tim Burton original story. Burton wrote and produced The Nightmare Before Christmas in 1993 for Disney and he collaboratted with Henry Selick to realize it. In most of his animation realization, Tim Burton used the technique of the stop motion. Tim Burton (born in 1958) is an American film director, producer, artist, writer, and animator. He is famous for his dark and macabre, gothic, horror and fantasy films. 

  • The plot

This movie tells the story of Jack Skellington named the pumpkin king and who is an scarecrow bone alive. He comes from Halloween Town. He spend all days to prepare the next halloween party. One day he decide to leave the town and he discovers a portal to Christmas Town and decides to celebrate christmas in is town, with some dastardly and comical consequences.


  • What makes this story gohtic ?

This movie is gothic because there is an dread, dark and horror atmosphere. The settings are inspired by halloween, the sceneries are all distorted and dark. The characters are all different and they are also unrealistic and frightful, they are typical gothic. For example, Jack is a skeleton, he wants to do evil because it is normal in their world. His dog Zero is a ghost and he lives anyway this is very unusual.

The soundtrack helps us get into the atmosphere of the movie:

There is an evolution from the begining to the end, the characters become nice and there is a christmas atmosphere but the characters are still looks scary.

  • The imaginary 

This imaginary notion is very important in this movie because the story takes place in an imaginary world with weirds settings. The characters are all unrealistic, most of them are half dead, half alive. The plot is also imaginary and uncommon. It mixes Halloween theme and christmas theme which are very different from each other. The gothic is essentially based on the imaginary notion.