
Banksy does New York


Early Modernist by Me

Introduction            Early modernism: period where art history begin. Began with Picasso, 1907. During this period, many artists express their art, painted something new..          Now, i'm gonna...

My trend

Sigmund Freud was an Austrian doctor. He founded psychoanalys and his ideas were spred in Europe and to United States of America with severals personalities. Many artists was influenced by this...

[PROJECT 3] Early modernism.

Art, painters and a lot of creativity. That's the point of our third project, Art for Art's Sake. And this time, I will introduce you to Early modernism, the beginning of Modernism, a new era for Art...

PROJECT 3: Night Views: an early modernist exhibition

  Well, this time it seems that we are dealing with art. More precisely with modern art, and even more specifically, the early period of modernism, which is called Early Modernism. This period is...

Neo Dada:

Neo Dada is an Art mouvement. This mouvement begins in the USA in 1950 - 1960. Neo Dada use modern material like popular imagery. Sometimes it's a collage or assembly to differents things....


Jackson Pollock was a painter. His movement was abstract expressionism. The paintings that he painted were very special and famous all over the world. It is  visual art. The painters of this...

Project 3 : Pop Art, you can say this is Art !

Pop art is an art movement that created in the mid 1950 in the Britan, with Richard Hamilton, and later in the same years in the United States. the pioneers of Pop Art in the United States are Jasper...

PROJECT 3 : An exhibition of Abstract Expressionism

And here we go again, this time featuring art ! We're now profiling Abstract Expressionism, a pictural movement from the 20th century. The "Abstract Expressionism" term was initially used...

Project 3 - Pop art

          The Pop-art is an artistic movement, which emerged in the 1950s. The precursors of this movement are Richard Hamilton and Eduardo Paolozzi. What characterizes this movement is the role of...

In the beholder's eyes...

Students were asked to display a selection of three paintings of modern art that moved them....

Heure de Paris

samedi, 19 octobre 2024, 16:08:31