08 mai 2014


Simple definitions of a hero:
1. Someone who acts to help another with no thought for herself or himself.
2. Someone who is admired for achievements or noble qualities.

24 avril 2014


some food for thoughts : http://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/marvel

23 avril 2014


Vous pouvez trouver dans le thèmes 2012 du blog quelques aides car j'avais traité ce sujet avec une classe.




for the brave ones.
If you still have time, run and get the film about his life and watch it in English of course!

Barak Obama

Barack Obama
Barack Obama standing in front of a wooden writing desk and two flagpoles.
U.S. President Barack Obama in front of theResolute desk in the Oval Office of the White House, December 6, 2012
44th President of the United States

Malcolm X

When speaking of Malcolm X you will have to speak about MLK so that you will be able to compare the two civil right fighters's ways and means.

One of Malcolm X's quotation : "By any means necessary."

Rosa Parks

Here is an interesting link for you to work on the story of Rosa Parks.
Many admirers call Parks the mother of the civil rights movement.
She led by example, showing that peaceful protest could create dramatic change. But Parks shared the credit. "The only thing that made it significant was that the masses of the people joined in," she said.
Parks was arrested, but her act of bravery set off a chain of events that changed the United States. 
African Americans responded to the injustice by refusing to ride buses in Montgomery, where about three-quarters of bus riders were black. 
Martin Luther King Jr. led the peaceful boycott, which lasted 381 days.
 In 1956, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that African Americans could not be forced to sit only in certain areas on buses. And in 1964, the Civil Rights Act outlawed racial discrimination in all public places.


MLKyou know many things about his origins, works, life and death, and about the messages he delivered. 
I joined some reading from an easy to read website to train on that subject.

From iron chains to golden chains

I advise you to read the powerpoint aloud for you to remember the vocabulary about slavery. What_happened_correc__2_.pdf

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