mai 2019 (5)

LE COLLÈGE CHABANNE !!! Bande Annonce !

En attendant le film version longue du collège filmé par un drone dirigé par Santiago, voici une version courte diffusée pour les familles des futurs élèves du collège :          

Day 4 Isle of Wight

Yesterday we played a game and we were in teams (the green and the purple) the green team won because of a cheater named Mr Lopez. We were many to eat for the first time roasted marshmallows on a campfire!  This morning we ate eggs and pasta and toast. We took the coach and went for a walk at the […]

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Day 3 Isle of Wight

  Yesterday night, we played some games to learn our names, we then sang and dansed a kind of Zumba.  This morning, we played some theatre with Vicki and Tom about some fairy tales.  After some of the people went to the swimming pool and they were very brave because the weather was bad (it was […]

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Day 2 Isle of Wight

This morning, we ate sausages with toasts and then we went outside to play .  After, we had an English lesson with Vicki (leader), we talked about crime and punishment of the island.  We went to the swimming pool and we did a game in the pool after the English lesson.  After we had lunch (pizza). […]

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Day 1 Isle of Wight

After a long trip, we arrived at east Dean camp on the isle of Whight . The sun shined in the sky and we ate delicious hamburger. We are exhausted and the teachers hope we will sleep soon ;) to be continued...