camus english corner

Archives :

octobre 2016

In the news - Lady Liberty is turning 130

dans la catégorie IN THE NEWS

  • Watch this video to know more about the history of the Statue of Liberty :


  • Any idea where parts of the Statue of Liberty still lie in Paris nowadays?

In the news - Bob Dylan was awarded the 2016 Nobel Prize in literature

dans la catégorie IN THE NEWS

  • Have you ever heard this song ?

  • Did you know it's a cover of Bob Dylan's original song ?


Click here to read the lyrics

  • On October 13th, Bob Dylan was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature "for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition"
  • However, not only the fact that a singer could be awarded a Nobel Prize but also that that very singer didn't respond to this honour before one full month triggered a controversy. Read Bob Dylan's reaction here
  • What do you think ? Can a singer be awarded a Nobel Prize in Literature ? What does it say about the evolution of society ?

TL - It's nearly time to go to the polls ! (3/3)

dans la catégorie TL

  • Electing the US president in Plain English (Video)


Complete the worksheet : 01_electing_a_US_president_in_plain_English_STUDENT.doc

Check the correction to this worksheet : 01_electing_a_US_president_in_plain_English_CORRECTION.doc

  • To go further... The US electoral system explained by Forrest Gump (Video)

TS2 & TS3 - It's nearly time to go to the polls ! (3/3)

dans la catégorie TS2 & TS3

  • Electing the US president in Plain English (Video)


Complete the worksheet : 01_electing_a_US_president_in_plain_English_STUDENT.doc

Check the correction to this worksheet : 01_electing_a_US_president_in_plain_English_CORRECTION.doc

  • To go further... The US electoral system explained by Forrest Gump (Video)

1SE1 - The US elections and the media

dans la catégorie 1ES1

  • In class, we described and compared these 2 frontpages :


  • Then we had a look at two different ways to deal with a similar piece of news, that is Kim Kardashian's robbery.


In the news - Trump vs. Clinton : the 2nd presidential debate

dans la catégorie IN THE NEWS

  • Watch some of the best moments of the 2nd presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump :

  • You might also be interested in watching the whole debate :

In the news - taking sides for one candidate or the other

dans la catégorie IN THE NEWS

  • Watch this video that clearly supports Hillary Clinton :


  • And here's the direct response from Trump's supporters :


Let's revise the difference between for & since

dans la catégorie NEED REVISING GRAMMAR & VOC ?

source :

Let's revise the differences between the preterite, the present perfect and the present perfect continuous

dans la catégorie NEED REVISING GRAMMAR & VOC ?

made by : Agnès Pihuit Imbert, académie de Nantes

Let's revise the relative pronouns : who, which, that...

dans la catégorie NEED REVISING GRAMMAR & VOC ?


source :


1STMG2 GrB - Time capsule

dans la catégorie 1STMG2 GrB


TS2 - It's nearly time to go to the polls (3/3)

dans la catégorie TS2

  • Electing the US president in Plain English (Video)


Complete the worksheet : 01_electing_a_US_president_in_plain_English_STUDENT.doc

Check the correction to this worksheet : 01_electing_a_US_president_in_plain_English_CORRECTION.doc

  • To go further... The US electoral system explained by Forrest Gump (Video)

TL - It's nearly time to go to the polls ! (2/3)

dans la catégorie TL

  • Don't vote! (Video)


Complete the worksheet : 03_Friends_students_worksheet_1_.pdf

TS2 & TS3 - It's nearly time to go to the polls ! (2/3)

dans la catégorie TS2 & TS3

  • Don't vote! (Video)


Complete the worksheet : 03_Friends_students_worksheet_1_.pdf

TS2 - It's nearly time to go to the polls (2/3)

dans la catégorie TS2

  • Don't vote! (Video)


Complete the worksheet : 03_Friends_students_worksheet_1_.pdf

201 - What's your opinion on selfies?

dans la catégorie 201

Listen to these people giving their opinion on selfies. List the pros and cons so that you are able to give your own opinion on selfies.


203 - What's your opinion on selfies?

dans la catégorie 203

Listen to these people giving their opinion on selfies. List the pros and cons so that you are able to give your own opinion on selfies.


TS2 & TS3 - It's nearly time to go to the polls ! (1/2)

dans la catégorie TS2 & TS3

  • How to become a president (Infographic)
  • Map of the population distribution (Map)
  • Map of the electoral colleges (Map)

Complete the worksheet : 02_wksht_timeline___maps.docx

  • Making people vote thanks to inspirational quotes (Quotes)

Complete the worksheet : 04_wksht_inspirational_quotes.docx

TL - It's nearly time to go to the polls ! (1/2)

dans la catégorie TL

  • How to become a president (Infographic)
  • Map of the population distribution (Map)
  • Map of the electoral colleges (Map)

Complete the worksheet : 02_wksht_timeline___maps.docx

  • Making people vote thanks to inspirational quotes (Quotes)

Complete the worksheet : 04_wksht_inspirational_quotes.docx

TS2 - It's nearly time to go to the polls ! (1/2)

dans la catégorie TS2

  • How to become a president (Infographic)
  • Map of the population distribution (Map)
  • Map of the electoral colleges (Map)

Complete the worksheet : 02_wksht_timeline___maps.docx

  • Making people vote thanks to inspirational quotes (Quotes)

Complete the worksheet : 04_wksht_inspirational_quotes.docx

203 - everything you need to know about selfies

dans la catégorie 203

201 - everything you need to know about selfies

dans la catégorie 201