Lina Duchet - Gothic Story

The mystery of Friday, 13th

    I was 15 years old when this story happened. I was living with my parents in a small town in the US. This town does not exist anymore.

    The February 13th 2009 was a Friday. I went to school as usual. I entered my classroom and waited for my teacher. The bell rang. Mrs Jones came in and the class began.
    This morning, the problem was that thirteen girls were missing. Only seventeen students were present: sixteen boys and me. All my friends were not there, even my best friend, Ashley. She had not told me that she would not come this day. Almost half the class was absent and nobody was wondering about that. Mrs Jones had started the lesson as usual and nobody said anything. It was really weird.
    After school, I went to Ashley’s house to give her the homework and to see what she had. I rang the doorbell and her parents opened the door.
“I’m here to give Ashley the homework, I said.
-Ashley? Who is Ashley? they answered.
-Ashley is your daughter. I’m here to give her the homework.
-We never had any child, Charlie. Are you sure you are fine?”
After hearing that, of course I was not fine. Something was strange. Why could they not remember their own daughter? I did not understand anything. I was shocked.
    I went back home and explained my mother what had happened at school and then with Ashley’s parents at their home. Although I was more and more nervous, I tried to explain everything clearly and slowly, but Mom did not care at all. She said she was busy and did not have time for such stupid stories… Then I decided to call police but they thought it was a joke as well. Why did nobody trust me? I was devastated.
    The day after too, the thirteen missing girls were not in class, and they never came back.


    One month passed and nobody had talked about this disappearance after it happened. We were the 13th of March. It was a Friday too. I was walking to school when I saw a manor on the street. A big dark manor, surrounded by a large estate. I walked every day in this street, but I had not noticed it before…
    I was going to be late, so I started to run to school. I entered my classroom and sat down. But this day, we were only four students. Thirteen more people were missing, and again, I was the only one who noticed it. I was worried. So, I asked my teacher, but she said that we had always been four in this class. I did not understand anything and I wanted to cry. How could everybody forget people like this? Was I the only one who remembered them? I thought to myself that yes, it was the case.
    I remembered about the manor that I had seen in the morning. I did not think a lot about it but I realised it was strange: I had never seen this house under construction, and a manor like that could not fall from the sky. Something was wrong. I was literally in a state of panic but nevertheless I decided to go to this old scary house after school.
    The class finished. I walked to the manor I saw the morning. As soon as I entered the garden, the sky changed: the fog appeared and the wind blew. The door was opened. It was my chance. I went into the manor. It was old, dark and very dusty. Some portraits on the wall seemed to look at me. There were a lot of spider’s webs and when I entered another room, many bats flew in all sides: it looked like a haunted manor. Maybe it was one! I walked around the living room. Nobody was there. This manor seemed abandoned.
    I went upstairs slowly but the steps creaked. Suddenly I heard voices! I stopped: people were talking in a room, but this room looked locked. I was scared. I approached this room and I tried to listen to the conversation. I could hear some words: they were talking about transforming humans into monsters or zombies. I did not understand and I did not know what to do. I approached the room but I felt somebody behind me, I turned and looked behind me but….  
    When I woke up, I was in a cell with 26 other people. They were not humans, but monsters and zombies. Someone was talking to me. It was a girl with green hair, green eyes and green skin.
“Charlie, do you remember me?” she asked.
Of course, I remembered her. She was Ashley. I did not recognize her at first, but it was her, and all other people were my classmates. I understood that my body had changed too.
I smiled:
“Tomorrow for sure, they will be only three at school…”


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