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Titre: Social credit system coming to China, with citizens scored on behavior, NBC news, 2018. VOUS DEVEZ ARRETER LA VIDEO A 1:38

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Everywhere she goes, H is followed : what she buys, how she behaves is tracked and scored to show how responsible and trustworthy she is. It's called the social credit system, and in one version now being tested a person's reputation is scored on a scale of 350 to 950. and H, with a good score of 752, is okay with it. In fact, most people are. « It's a mechanism like, pushes you to become a better citizen ». Its big data means big brother, expanding how the government monitors, understands and ultimately controls its 1,4 billion citizens. Thanks to advances in Artificial Intelligence and facial recognition, and a web of more than 200 million surveillance cameras. « Are people bothered by privacy concerns ? » « We think with a lot of cameras, keeping the safety is really good. We can accept it. » Companies are experimenting with the algorithms to help the government create the new national social credit system. The government also has pilot projects. In one, citizens are required to do hours of unpaid work to get benefits. And scores are docked, for things like littering, a messy yard, gossip, even jaywalking. Video of offenders are shown on the local news, and information collectors like J are paid to report on their neighbors. Her quota : 10 entries a month,  like the man who carried a drunk person home, a good deed she said.