This beautiful film is an adaptation of the story of Eugene Allen, produced by Lee Daniels. Eugene has served all of the presidents at the white house between 1957 and 2009. Nobody knows how was the life of a black man, who works at the white house. The butler is an exemple and a witness for all black people who lived at the same period.

The film began  in a cotton plantation, where slaves were working. The scenario it is set in Macon, Georgia in 1926, when Cecil was aged of 7. The master of the slaves raped Cecil's mother who became crazy and shot his father in front of the little boy. The grandmother took Cecil and made him became a servant for a white family. Many years later Cecil goes to Washington, where he became a butlerand many months later he began to work at the white house. Cecil set up a family with his wife Gloria, together they had two children. Louis his first boy, and Charlie. The butler served first the president is Dwight D. Eisenhower, then Jhon Fitzgerald Kennedy, this president was particulary appreciated by Cecil, and the president wanted to fight for the end of the segregation. Cecil lived the assassinate of Kennedy and Matin Luther King Jr. Two persons important for black people of the United States. Favor the Cecil's job, his family live comfortably, Throughout his career, the butler had always asked a promotion which was denyed to him because he was black.

This is a very captivating film, the plot brings us lot of historic expertise, the viewpoint about the segregation changes. What about the effect ? There's any effect, and this is the reason why I appreciate this film. It's only the perfect act of the actor which make a such film .The music is the work of Rodrigo Leano. The type of music is classic, the piano was principally used? favor this piano, the mood . I like this film, because it's a true story, so the plot is real it's very important to have seen one time of one's life a film like this because after seen this film we have the testimony of a black person who was segregated.

There's not a lot of negatives aspect about The Butler. There's one, problem some scenes are too long, or certain scenes are useless. So the running time is a little bit too long.

There's two important character that I want to talk about, Cecil and Louis the first son of Gloria and Cecil. Louis brought a lot of problems to his parents. From his childhood, he was never aggree with the opinion of his parents about the racial segregation. So, when he grown up, he joined the movement of black panthers party. During all the film Louis be arrested by the police and his father must rescued him every time. I really appreciate the way he fought for the equality of black people and white people. Cecil is my favourite character, because I like his bravoury, the actor is very talented and emmotionnal. The character of Cecil is touching. He is sensitive but very strong to support the segregation at the white house. In the film, one order was gaved to him: he had only the right to served, not to payed attention to the politics affairs.

  Cecil Gaines

   Louis Gaines and the Black Panther Party

This film because his plot, is intriguing,  we are always searching how Cecil will works whith the new president, will he one day know the end of the segregation. This film brings a lot of knolewdge about the history of a freeman black in the USA, there's a lot of film about the black question, but this one is different.

I give the grades of 4 stars.