It's time to rush !
Year of release : September 18, 1998
Starring : Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker, Tom Wilkinson, Tzi Ma
Directed by :Brett Ratner
MPAA Rating : PG-13
Revieuw's rating : 5 Stars
Studio : Studioe
Running Time : 97 minutes
Genre : Action, Comedy, Crime, Thriller

Inspector Lee is a member of Hong Kong's irreprochable FBI. No one could ever guess how well he marial arts judging on his peace of mind. The 11 year-old China's concul's daughter, Soo Yung, was his favorite pupil. He was, also, her bodyguard, and before she left to the USA, he promised her that he would still be her best-friend. When he is told that she was kidnapped by a criminal mastermind, Lee jumped immediately in a plane in order to save her and to polish the guilt. Unfortunately, the FBI refused the presence of Lee, on site, and called an American agent, James Carter, to put him away for a long time, until the mission will succeed. Neither of them liked teamwork. Both worked better alone but they were going to have to work together to save Soo Yung.
In order to save the little girl, Lee and Carter need to get to know and understand each other. So, over time, their relationship evolves. This point is, according to me, the strenght of the movie and the reason of our laughs.
audience has many different opinions about the film. Some are
satisfied, and some are disappointed. Most of them are satisfied and recommend the film. They really
enjoyed this movie and thought it was really funny. Everyone loved
the Chris Tucker / Jackie Chan combo!
laughed throughout the entire film. This movie is fast paced and fun.
There is NO sex (implied or otherwise) in this movie. There is a
little bit of sexual innuendo, but it is just teasing, not to be
taken too seriously. The swearing in the movie was unnecessary. But I
thought it was fairly mild. This is a far cry from movies where the
characters use profanity every other word. The violence too wasn’t
that bad. It is cartoonish violence and not all that graphic. This
movie relies more on suspense than graphic violence. The outtakes at
the end were really funny too. All in all, this was a very funny and
enjoyable movie. I would recommend this movie to older teens and
adults. This is not a movie for young teens or children.a membre
of the audience said. One of the most voted comment about Rush
Hour." - 23
years old, woman.
There were, unfortunately, many who disagreed with this opinions and who thought that the language was too offensive. And that there were too many bad words, which I completly agree with. But I believe it is important to add that only a minority of people think that way.
I was very impressed by how close we feel to the characters, how captivated we are, sitting on the edge of our seats, espacially at the end. There is a mixture of fear and concentration. It's very breathtaking. The soundtrack is mainly chinese, and the effects are spectacular and appreciated by the audience.
As for me, the most captiving actor is Jackie Chan as Lee. To know that all the martial art is real, and that he has trained so hard to accomplish those unbelievable things. As for Lee (the character), he's a loyal person who can do everything to save Soo Yung. Everyone loves this character

All the actors played very well their character. A very good job !