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Who wants to be a millionaire? Australia themed

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Have you ever...?

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Here is Friday's lesson for the 4e2

Image result for australia road sign

What we have learnt about Australia

dans la catégorie Australia

See original image      Image result for australian flag  


Australia is located in the southern hemisphere. There are about 22 millions inhabitants.

It is the flattest and the smallest continent of the world.

Australia is part of the Commonwealth. It means that it is an old British colony. It is governed by a Prime Minister, but the Queen of England has a symbolic role.


Australian animals are unique. There are kangaroos, koalas, wallabies... They are endemic species, that means that they only exist in Australia.


The first people arrived 50,000 years ago. They are called the aborigines. They have a unique culture.

In 1778, the British colonized Australia. They sent a lot of criminals to build cities.

Image result for aboriginal art     Image result for aborigines


country: un pays

habitants: inhabitants
coloniser: to colonize [ ai ]
to send / sent/ sent : envoyer
species: une espèce

2 years ago: il y a 2 ans

Australian survivor

dans la catégorie Australia

Watch and complete the document given to you in class.

When I think about Australia, I think about...

dans la catégorie Australia

The 4e5's vision of Australia:

The 4e2's vision: