Studying in Ansbach - and all around the world!
Par Tanja Wagner (Lycée Franco-Allemand, Buc) le 20 octobre 2021, 14:01 - Lien permanent
The new information flyer of the Ansbach University of Applied Sciences has just arrived! Er ist auf Englisch und Deutsch verfügbar.
The Hochschule Ansbach is a young, modern University of Applied Sciences focusing on economy, technique and media. It has a big network of partner universities all around the world:
Please download the current english flyer HERE. Den Flyer auf Deutsch herunterladen kann man HIER.
More information needed? Go directly to the webpage of Hochschule Ansbach:
--> Deutsch:
--> English:
Furthermore, you can join Veronika Jancokova, who is responsible for the International Career Service of Hochschule Ansbach, if you have questions: