Her name is Ellen Pompeo, she was born on the tenth of November nineteen-sixty nine at Everett in USA so she is forty nine

years old. She has five brothers and sisters.She likes vegetables,she doesn’t like fish,she hates meat,she loves his childrens

Stella,Sienna and Eli.She is funny,always happy but a little bit stubborn.She is beautiful. She married to Chris Ivery in twenty-o- nine.

She is tall,skinny,she have blue eyes and short curly blond hair.There where brown however she dyed them

I love she: she is the most fabulous actress of Holywood and the best people of the world!

First,she began his actress career with « Coming soon » in nineteen niniety nine and « In the Weeds » in two thousand.

Besides, from twenty-o-five to now she played in Grey’s Anatomy, that’s why she earnt twenty million of dollards. She

produced the clip of Taylor Swift: Bad blood.

She won the Golden Globe of twenty-o-seven.

