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28 février 2017

séance AP - 6eme CLOTHES

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27 février 2017

AP 5A wh- questions



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25 janvier 2017

Let’s have a little fun !

Choose between “be” and “have”

Yes/no questions:

Work on adjectives to describe “eyes and hair”:

Memory game:

Conjugate verbs correctly:

22 janvier 2017

Bristolians and Jamie Oliver will fight against sugar

Image associée

In January, many British people take resolutions for the New Year: they are going to go to the gym, they want to go on a diet... But in Bristol, people and TV Chef Jamie Oliver want to reduce sugar consumption...

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New Zealand's Kids have too much sugar




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With a little help ...

Good afternoon everyone!!

Here are some exercises to work a little!

  Résultats de recherche d'images pour « keep calm and work hard »

So now, go!

« have » :        (Attention, une erreur s’est glissée dans l’exercice 7 phrase 4)
 « be » :
 « have » or « be » :

Savoir mettre les mots d’un groupe nominal dans l’ordre :
Savoir rédiger des phrases simples :

17 janvier 2017

A healthier year by Year 8A

Résultats de recherche d'images pour « healthy »


As the saying goes, a healthy body makes a healthy spirit… Let’s see what Ina is going to do about it…


First, Ina would like to eat more healthy food: vegetables like salad and carrots, spinach and green beans. She is going to eat more fish and more fresh fruit. She is also going to drink more water and less soda. She would like to eat less chocolate.

After that, Ina also wants to do more sport like gym and jogging twice or three times a week.

Finally, Ina is going to read more books and watch less TV. She is going to sleep more because she is always dead tired.

10 janvier 2017

year 9 - E

Welcome students,

This is your special corner in the blog... Let's have fun now!

year 8 - A

Welcome students,

This is your special corner in the blog... Let's have fun now!

year 7 - G

Welcome students,

This is your special corner in the blog... Let's have fun now!

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