29 juin 2014

6èmes bilangues , venez écouter et voir vos correspondants

Hi guys !

Venez enfin écouter vos correspondants parler d'eux et essayer de voir qui est qui sur la photo( il y a les numéros sur les élèves dans la pièce jointe) . Postez vos commentaires , je les publierai . 

Have a good holiday !

24 juin 2014

6ème bilangue : some recipes for you to try during the holidays !

A recipe and a game here .

Another one  here  ! ( Baking powder = = levure aussi!)

And a video below

for plain scones ( typically English !) And one for chocolate scones :

Yummy ! What a delicious way of revising the vocabulary !!! 


11 juin 2014

World Day against Child Labour

An interesting presentation here


10 juin 2014

We're Going Green !

05 juin 2014

The Mom Song and the Child Song !

03 juin 2014

The Animals Save the Planet !

To be watched again ! Enjoy !

20 mai 2014

A crime scene to be analysed(UK) /analyzed(US)

Try to find out what has happened

For fun....

05 mai 2014

Some unusual sports for you to watch


21 avril 2014

Earth Day

Earth Day
is  held on April 22nd every year. Earth Day is a
day to remember to take care of our planet, Earth. We can take care of our planet by keeping it clean.We can keep Earth clean by following the rule of“reduce, reuse, recycle”.
Reduce means use less
We can reduce our use of resources like water or gasoline.
Reuse means use again, rather than throw things away. We can reuse many things, such as jars,plastic bags, and boxes.
Recycle means to make something new from something old. We can keep Earth clean by recycling materials such as aluminum,paper, and plastic.If we take these material to are cycling center, they can be used again in a differentway.
On Earth Day, we remindourselves and everyone on Earth that we must do these things. We must do these things every day, not just on Earth Day. We must all do our part, and we can make a difference.
On April 22nd, remind everyone you know that every day is Earth Day!

Here is what we can do on Earth Day   : http://www.allspecies.org/neigh/block.htm    &  http://www.earthday.org/takeaction/

And you , what are you going to do for Earth Day ? !!!

08 avril 2014

Possessive pronouns Jazz Chants

Here is the funny Jazz Chant  on the possessive pronouns

and another one !

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