We would like to show you two differents ways to see London, from the Tower Bridge and the London Eye.

The Tower Bridge is a bridge with two towers, over the River Thames. The construction started in 1886 and ended in 1894. The bridge officially opened on June 30th in 1894. In June 2012 a set of Olympic rings was suspended from the bridge. The bridge can open in two parts so that boats can sail underneath. On top of the Tower Bridge, you can have a wonderful view of London. 

The London Eye is a touristic attraction, over the River Thames. The entire structure is 135 metres high and the wheel has a diameter of 120 metres. The London Eye opened on December 31th in 1999. If you want to go on top of the London Eye, take the underground and get off the train at Waterloo station on the Jubilee line. Once on the top you can enjoy a great view too !

If you have the chance to go to London you MUST visit those 2 places. DON'T FORGET !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rama et Hélène

Sources : univers-british.centerblog.net 
