camus english corner

Methodology - how to get better at reading comprehension

dans la catégorie Let's practice reading comprehension & written expression


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Happy new year !

dans la catégorie 2016-2017



1ES1 - Who should be chosen Person of the Year 2016 ?

dans la catégorie 1ES1

According to you, various people deserved the title of Person of the Year 2016 due to the impact they had in the world:

  • Beyoncé
  • Donald Trump
  • Leonardo di Caprio
  • Empire's leading actress
  • Amazon CEO
  • Hillary Clinton
  • Adele
  • Cristiano Ronaldo
  • Simone Biles
  • Usain Bolt
  • Michelle Obama
  • Mark Zuckerberg
  • Angelina Jolie

But also groups of people:

  • The White Helmet soldiers
  • Black Lives Matter activists

Or events:

  • Brexit

You did a great job. Well done !

In the news - the outcome of an endless electoral campaign

dans la catégorie IN THE NEWS

The long-awaited election has drawn to a close with an unexpected twist…

  • Watch Donald Trump's victory speech:

Read the transcript

  • Watch Hillary Clinton's concession speech:

TL - Social media outlets : a new form of journalism?

dans la catégorie TL

  • Listen to Lacey and Kieran. Recap what they think about the evolution of the media in the US :


TL - the election and the media

dans la catégorie TL

  • In class we described and compared these two frontpages :




In the news - Mount Rushmore's 75th birthday

dans la catégorie IN THE NEWS

  • Watch this video to learn more about the history of Mount Rushmore :



  • Mount Rushmore on the big screen :

  • Imagine a 5th face was to be added to Mount Rushmore. Do you think Barack Obama could be chosen? Why? Why not?

In the news - Lady Liberty is turning 130

dans la catégorie IN THE NEWS

  • Watch this video to know more about the history of the Statue of Liberty :


  • Any idea where parts of the Statue of Liberty still lie in Paris nowadays?

In the news - Bob Dylan was awarded the 2016 Nobel Prize in literature

dans la catégorie IN THE NEWS

  • Have you ever heard this song ?

  • Did you know it's a cover of Bob Dylan's original song ?


Click here to read the lyrics

  • On October 13th, Bob Dylan was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature "for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition"
  • However, not only the fact that a singer could be awarded a Nobel Prize but also that that very singer didn't respond to this honour before one full month triggered a controversy. Read Bob Dylan's reaction here
  • What do you think ? Can a singer be awarded a Nobel Prize in Literature ? What does it say about the evolution of society ?

TL - It's nearly time to go to the polls ! (3/3)

dans la catégorie TL

  • Electing the US president in Plain English (Video)


Complete the worksheet : 01_electing_a_US_president_in_plain_English_STUDENT.doc

Check the correction to this worksheet : 01_electing_a_US_president_in_plain_English_CORRECTION.doc

  • To go further... The US electoral system explained by Forrest Gump (Video)

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