Mot-clé - myths and heroes

Fil des billets

Expectations: superhero and anti-hero

Expectations We expect something to happen / we expect something from somebody / we expect somebody to behave in a certain way What do we expect from superheroes? We expect a superhero to be brave, charismatic, to help people, to make the world a better place, to be unique, to do something out of […]

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American Progress


You can find here a colour version of the painting "American Progress", by John Gast, 1872.   American_progress.jpg, oct. 2017  

Heroes are ordinary people doing extraordinary things

Did you like this audio? Would you like to listen to it again? Here you go! In the accompanying documents, you can find the audio file, the video it was extracted from, the script of the file and a summary in French. Audio file "Heroes are ordinary people doing extraordinary things" […]

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