The fifteenth of january, we have seen a exhibition about Pop Art. The exhibition presented us a collection of Whitney Museum of American Art Collection of New York City founded by Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney (1875-1942), a american sculptor, art patron and collector. It showed us around sixty paitings, sculptures or prints from the beginning of the sixties to the end of the seventies. There were works of some prominent and Pop Art’s renowed artists such as Roy Lichtenstein and the serigraph Andy Warhol, amongst others.

But, what is Pop Art ?

At the beginning of the 1960s, a generation of artists appears in the United States in reaction to the abstract expressionism which was very appreciated at this time. The Pop Artist denounced the consumer society developed in this decade by representation of everyday objects and the signs of popular culture, in others words, « the American way of life ». This art movement was also characterised by the colours which they used : bright, pure, intense, and contrasting colours associed to the way to work : they represented events or people humorously or ironically to spread the power of the image such as the iconic women Jackie Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe, sometimes in order to celebrate or sometimes to criticise it.