Firstly Banksy shows us the real and genuine freedom street art represents through the words “there is no elitism or hype.” This is justified by the fact everyone has access to the streets and all the works of art we might see there. Nobody can be short of money to admire those artworks; nobody is put off by the admission price because there is none. However I don’t agree with the word “hype” because a lot of people consider street art is a trendy form of art only because it’s quite new. It’s true but a distinction between style and contents has to be made to clearly see the fair value and power of street art.

        In the second part we learn that street art has interested more and more people since the beginning of the 21st century. In today’s society tons of people are money minded and they are more interested in the monetary value of art than in its message or the emotions it conveys. A minority of people who has power wants to put the works of art in museums: This action symbolizes putting an end to the freedom of street artists; it even means the death of street art itself. The reason that legitimizes this behavior is the fact works of art are always exhibited outside, they are jeopardized by weather conditions or degradation or vandalism. I mean the works of art can be damaged or vandalized, I don’t mean that street art equates vandalism as some people do.

        Last but not least, we can say a real war has begun between street artists and advertising executives, the men who decide what ads will be placarded on most of our walls in every city. So there is a fierce competition between street artists and admen. The artist reproaches those people with their using billboards to brainwash citizens. As Banksy writes, they want to “make us feel inadequate unless we buy their stuff”. For him they aim at making us addicted to their products, they want us to fit in, to be “mainstream” obedient citizens.

        They’re using our walls for a pointless aim and what’s even worse an immoral aim whereas street artists want to use the walls of our towns to denounce evils, to deliver a message, to convey emotions or to brighten people’s horizons through their works of art. They want to make our world a better-looking place.