Almost 10 years ago the very famous street artist Banksy talked about his work.


        First street art is a form of art, it’s a form of rebellion and it’s often a form of political protest. Street art is everywhere, changing the face of our cities when no one is looking.


        In this text Banksy speaks rather ironically about his nightly expeditions to do his artworks. Indeed we can see that in the first paragraph when he writes: “You might have to creep about at night and lie to your mum.” Whereas, according to him, it is the most honest form of art because there is a message to be understood. Street artists want to make our environments less bleak and gloomy and the urban environments more lively using spray cans, stencils, stickers or markers.

        Then Banksy says that a wall has always been the best place to exhibit art. Some cities today are well known for their colorful, popular and ephemeral murals.


         There are different types of reactions when people are in front of graffiti: Some people can defend these artworks because they convey a message, about poverty for instance while others can be opposed because they are not open minded.


         In fact we live in a materialistic society and people are money minded. When a company sees a piece of art on a wall, businessmen may reproach street artists not with conveying a message but with brainwashing the public.


        To finish street art has now entered global popular culture with more and more magazines and art galleries devoted to it.