Section Euro HG du Lycée Ferry, Versailles

Extra activities 2015 & 2016

* In 2016

- The students of the Jules Ferry high school of Versailles were welcomed at the Bureau d'Information du Parlement européen in Paris on Friday 11th, March, to get a broad presentation of the Euro deputies tasks and comment some current issues. This visit will be followed by a debate with the Eurodeputy of Ile-de-France Mrs Bérès in April 2016 at school, about the Brexit.

As far as the History syllabus is concerned, the students were welcomed by Mrs Ferré-Rode at the University of Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines for a L3 lecture: "the USA, from a bipolar to a multipolar world"  (November 2015). 

- I do thank Mrs Noonan from the Bureau of the European Parliament in Paris and Mrs Ferré-Rode, lecturer in US & Canadian civilisations, also responsable of the Licence of the English department at the UVSQ. All my gratitude for this precious help !

To be continued...


* In 2015:

 2 lectures in English at the University of Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines were organised for the students: 

- "The USA during the Cold War" by Mrs Ferré-Rode (November 2014)

- "The dis-United Kingdom" by Mr Henneton (April 2015). 

Thanks to Mrs Ferré-Rode and Mr Henneton for their cooperation !

To be continued...