Section Euro HG du Lycée Ferry, Versailles

Extra activities 2017

* Participation at "Lycéens au Cinéma 2017" linked to the US culture: Godard, A bout de souffle / Ford, L'Homme qui tua Liberty Valence / De Palma, Blow Out

* Travel to the South of the UK: Canturbury / Bath / Cardiff/ Bristol / London (February 2017)

* L3 Lecture at the University of Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines by Mrs Ferré-Rode: The USA during the Cold War (November 2016).

* Visit at the Bureau of the European Parliament of Paris (April, 21st 2017): the Brexit and its issues.

I do thank for the 2nd year the cooperation of Mrs Noonan & Mrs Ferré-Rode to make the activities beneficial to the students. 

To be continued...