The movie “L’image manquante” tells the story of Cambodia between 1975 ant 1975 during the Kmer Rouge with PolPot. The movie treats about  the life of film maker Rithy Panh during the genocide of Cambodia.

With clay  figures? Rithy Panh is showing the violence of the Kmer Rouge and created the 3missing picture”  in other words he shows the truth about  this horrible tmein the history of Cambodia. Showing the with clay figures Rithy Panh is evidence of the violence of Kmer Rouge, and created the “missing picture” in other words he shows the truth about this horrible time in the histouyr of Combodia.

He talks about the deportation to labour camps, of the death of his father, and after that the death of other family members, his life without them and a little bit of his life other this.

It’s a touching documentary that makes think a lot.


By Janelle Mangin

image-manquante.jpeg, janv. 2017