In his new film, based on a real story, Will Smith is Dr. Bennet Omalu, a nigerian forensic pathologist in Pittsburgh . He handels the autopsy of few football players and noticed that they all have very similar symptoms with brain dammage. He ultimately determines that they died as a result of the long-term effects of repeated blows to the head (a disorder he calls « chronic traumatic encephalopathy »). With Julian Bailes, a former doctor of a famous football team, and the support of hi wife, Bennet published a paper on his findings. This publication is the beggining of his long fight against the untouchable National Football League..

      Concussion illustrates a really interesting story thanks to the very real aspect of the movie. The director Peter Landesman is touching on a very sensitive subject, which is the national sport : football. We get fastly caught up in the story by the incredible determination of Omalu. We could think that the movie attacks a widespread stereotype : the main character combines religion and science. He is a devout christian  AND he believes in science (for all the people who think that believing n the both is impossible). The end is very realist and it show us how is our society today..

      In spite of having a good story, the movie is a little bit too long... and too my mind is in need of more « punch ». The cold (almost dark) atmosphere is always here and this effect is very stressed by the soundtrack and lighting. I have only one thing to say about the end, some curious people could find it disapponting... In addition to that, next to the enormous Will smith, we forget the other characters, less famous and maybe less important in the story too.

      We are used to watch Will Smith as a main character, but he is always so lively and funny ! Forget it for this movie. At the age of 47, the actor stays serious all the way through the movie. He looks old and that's good ! He doesn't need to look younger for this rôle. I would be tempted to say that he embody a strange man.. He is indifferent in his relationship with his wife. A (replica/retort) stuck with me : « Do you want to become my wife ? I will buy a big house to live in and I think we'll fall in love over time »




      In conclusion, this movie might make you think about our « modern » society.. Unlike many recent films, the moral of Concussion is very important. You should go to watch it if you are looking for a touching story.

