A few days before Christmas, here we were feeling the party ambiance coming. I was thinking about my christams waiting 
for some new gifts not like the others when, at my windows, I saw children playing in the snow, I even believe I heard
their joyful laugh. Night fell, in wich December is my favourite moment of the day. The street shines thank to the Christmas
lights, it's so beautiful, so magic to see that ! My mum, my sister and I have decorated our home. The christmas tree
was installed, a lot of lights inside and outside the house. It was perfect. In my garden there are two snowmen and one Santa
Claus with his cute reindeer. In appaearance, we were a perfect family in a perfect house !

But in this period, my mother (who is ordinarily a little manic)is so stressed that she even cleaned the cookies with water
and soap. The previous year, for Christmas, she gaves me a very ugly ridiculous sweater with a picture of Santa the she loved
too strangely. My father doesn't work for six days for Christmas. It's exeptional because he is never at home the rest of the
year. He loves his works, his numbers ... He earns a lot of money but I missed him, and my little sister missed him even more.
He is stressed too in this period of the year, all noises make him crazy. He is afraid of robbers and serial killers as if it
were more frequent when he was not at work !

That day was Christmas Eve and we were waiting for some members of my mother's family at home. As always the cake was burnt
but surprisingly my mother was calm and she prepared another with my sister. Everything seemed perfect ! Even James, my old
father's friend,who had been here since three p.m to help us prepare the house, behaved like a respectable man (everybody
exept my father knew that "secretly" he had alway been in love with her).