The story is based on Kathryn Stockett's best-seller. Set on in the 60s, black women used to work for white women.Eugenia Skeeter Phelan was a college graduate and aspiring writer. After having seen the behavior of her family and her white friends with the black domestics, she decides to write about the situation.


    - I think that the subject is a good idea : The movie treat about the racism's problem in sixties, with a funny touch.


Inspired by her relalationship with Constantine, Eugenia Phelan, with the help of Aibileen Clark, a black maid and Minny Jackson, a brilliant cook, who has been fired numerous times to not holding her tongue denounce what's really happen in their house. Along the way, friendships are created and a new sisterhood emerges.


I would be tempted to say that this movie doesn't have negative things.


    - The soundtrack is a good choice. Mary J. Blige wrote and recorded a brand new original song titled ‘The Living Proof’ especially for The Help after she saw a screening of the film, and as black people it is credible to use her song.


Minny is especially captivating. She is THE comic's character. Octavia Spencer plays perfectly her role in the movie. To my mind, I don't think that another actress would have interpreted as well this role. The casting is made with big great actresses who play so perfectly their roles : Bryce Dallas Howard in racist woman, Jessica Chastain in fragile wife and Emma Stone, the character full of condolence.


It's a movie which talks about racial tensions. No spectacular effects, no excessive violence, no suspense, just a perfect and hilarious movie. I'm not disappointed, I'm really impressed. This movie is different from other movies who treat about the racism, it doesn't go into the cliché where we are forced to feel sorry for the characters. Sure we feel some emotion from the beginning to the end but that doesn't prevent the movie from being hilarious.

I personally think that everybody has to see this movie.