Best movie of gangsta
Name of movie, year of release: City of god ( 2002 )
Starring: Alexandre Rodrigues, Matheus Nachtergaele, Leandro Firmino
Directed by: Kátia Lund ,Fernando Meirelles
MPAA Rating: pegi 18
Reviewer's Rating: 8.7/10
Studio: O2 Filmes, VideoFilmes, Globo Filmes
Running Time: 130 min
Genre: Crime, Drame
The film is set in Brazil in Rio de Janeiro in the 1960's. Three boys "the tender trio", they make a mess in the city. They live in a poor neigborhood and that's why they rob a motel. The tender trio appear only at the beginning of the movie, but they are important characters because they are taken as an exemple by the children in Rio. The succession of this three boys are two children, one of them is the little brother of the boss of the tender trio, his name is Béné and his best friend is Dadinho which later became Ze Pequeño. The other boy, named Buscape, became a great photographer. These three boys are the main characters of the movie. Ze Pequeño and Béné will become the most powerful men of the city. This movie has been compared to the famous movie "Scarface" because it's a story about gangs, drugs and money.

The tender trio Béné and Dadinho Buscapé
Positive points of the movie :
- Good action scenes
- Good representation of the gang wars
- the realism of the movie
- the excessive violence
The negative of the movie :
- the quality of the camera
- spectacular visual effects
- the excessive violence
- the sound effects
The main character for me is Buscape because he is different from the others . He's not a gangster or a dealer, he's a photographer for the news paper.
Dadinho alias Zé Pequeno is the second main character, he is a big gangster that is in all the stories of violence or money, his best friend Béné died in a misunderstanding. Béné was the calmest, the must intelligent, a gentleman but Zé Pequeno was a raw, a wild, a killer...
Finally, Mane Galinha alias Manu Le Coq came on stage after Béné's death because Zé Péqueno killed members of his family before.
This movie is a real story, " The story of Zé Péqueno ". It's an old movie dating from 2002, the visual effects are not perfect.
I like this movie because we do not see only the good sides of life like we do in some movies where " life is always beautiful ".