Debate #2
dans la catégorie Gender roles
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dans la catégorie Gender roles
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I disagree with the idea that men are better presidents than women. It is scandalous and stupid to say this kind of generality. Personaly I think that there are very good men president like de Gaulle and very good women presidents like Rouseff in Brazil. Nevertheless it is true that there are more men presidents than women presidents. But things are changing.
Even if I have never had a women president since I has born, I desagree with that.
It's very sad to think some people still thinking that way, I hope it will change to have a peaceful life without inequalities
I strongly disagree with the fact that men are better presidents than women. If a woman has got the qualities to preside and to become a president, why shouldn't she a president?
I desagree with this picture because a woman can have the same idea than a man and be also a man a great president