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27 janvier 2014

Useful expressions for the Oral exam

1. Introducing your topic:

- I'm going to talk about the idea of progress/spaces and exchanges

- I would like to talk about the notion of power/myths and heroes

- First of all I would like to define the notion....

- In order to illustrate this notion I have chosen two documents....

- Let me explain why I have chosen these documents

- I have chosen two documents to illustrate this: one document we studied in class and another that I found through my own research

- I have chosen to talk about the film.....

- We may wonder wether… / to what extent …

2. Talking about a document that you have studied

- The first document I have chosen deals with the problem of/the idea of....

- This picture shows that .....

- This advert suggests that......

- This article proves that.....

- The author draws our attention to the fact that.......

- The journalist mentions that....

- He argues that....

- She believes that....

3. Explaining the link between the article/document and the notion presented

- This document is particularly interesting as it illustrates just how........

- There is a link between the two articles

- The two documents make us realize that.......

- From this ad we understand that.......

- The painter wants to draw our attention to the fact that......

- The journalist wants us to understand that.....

4. Greetings

- Hello Mrs / Sir

- Where shall I sit?

- May I sit down?

- Shall I start?

- Here is my ID. (carte d’identité)

- Thank you very much (!)

5. If you don’t understand

- Could you repeat please?

- I’m not sure I understand, would you care to rephrase?

20 janvier 2014

Power of money / Quotes

Here are some quotes on the power of money.

Choose the one you like best, explain your choice, and don't hesitate to comment on your classmates choice.

1. "Wen I was Young, I thought that money was the most important thing in life, now that I'm old, I know that it is". Oscar Wilde

2. "Money won't create success, the freedom that make it will." Nelson Mandela

3. "If women didn't exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning." Aristotle Onassis

4. "Money is better than poverty, only for Financial reasons." Woody Allen