Voici des phrases d'accroche pour vous aider à préparer votre oral. 

1. Présentation du document

This document is a cartoon / a picture / an advertisement / a poster....

It was drawn / taken / published in...

2. Description de l'image

On the picture there is / are... 

At the bottom / top... In the left-hand corner we can see... In the middle... In the foreground / background... 

The man is sitting / standing... 

The scene takes place... 

3. Analyse et commentaire

The author wants to show us that... 

He denounces... 

The documents aims at (+V-ing)

The goal of this document is to criticize... 

4. Conclusion / avis personnel

I think that... 

I agree / I disagree with the document... 

In my opinion... 

To conclude...