blog miss hinard

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Power of money / Quotes

Here are some quotes on the power of money. Choose the one you like best, explain your choice, and don't hesitate to comment on your classmates choice. 1. "Wen I was Young, I thought that money (...)

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Choose the best commercial!

You must pick the commercial that you consider the best.  Use the Comments to give your choice, and don't forget to explain why  (What is the most striking about the commercial, what appeals to you, (...)

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Compréhension orale

Here are some links to work for your oral exams. (...)

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Book Lovers fear dim future for notes in the Margins

February 20, 2011Book Lovers Fear Dim Future for Notes in the Margins By DIRK JOHNSON CHICAGO — Locked in a climate-controlled vault at the Newberry Library here, a volume titled “The Pen and the (...)

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Welcome everyone! This blog aims at giving you tools to succeed, and helping you with your studies. Do not hesitate to comment or send me a mail.  See you later! Miss Hinard.  (...)

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