The interesting life of Jane Austen

Let’s start with the beginning:


Jane Austen was born on December the 16 in 1775 in Steventon. She was the seventh child of Cassandra and Georges. Her family provided an environment of love and affection where learning and creative thinking were nurtured.

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Her father was an Oxford educated rector for a nearby Anglican parish.  During her childhood, she read a lot of books in the father’s library. Cassandra was her sister and her only best friend. In 1783, Jane and Cassandra were sent to a boarding school where they caught typhus. Jane nearly died.                                         

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  In 1801, she moved to Bath with her family but in 1805 her father died. After this tragedy, they had financial difficulty. In 1809, thanks to her brother Edward, they were able to settle down in better a living situation in his cottage in Chawton.

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            She began to write her romantic novels in this place such as: Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Northanger Abbey, Persuasion, Mansfield Park… These novels were adapted on TV by the BBC. All of her novels were published anonymously.

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            She began to suffer from ill-health in 1816 and she died on the 18 of July in 1817 in Winchester. She had only 41 years old.