I participated in a two-week Erasmus mobility in Nordenham, situated in northern Germany. The short-term mobility took place from January 5th to January 21st, 2024. During this time, I stayed with a German student named Ira, whom I had previously hosted for her six-week Erasmus mobility.

During my mobility, I explored various aspects such as the German school system. I also encountered new individuals, including Ira's sister, with whom I enjoyed playing board games while conversing in German. I believe the German school system has advantages over the French one because students study only in the morning and have free afternoons. They are permitted to eat during breaks, and a class in Germany lasts only 45 minutes compared to 55 minutes in France!

During my two-week mobility, I engaged in various activities. I built a snowman with Ira's sister amidst the snowy weather. The following day, we enjoyed a circus performance in Bremen, a large city near Nordenham, where the performers' talent was truly impressive. On the third day, I visited the sea adjacent to Nordenham by the Northern Sea, where despite the brown water and strong winds, the experience was pleasant. Additionally, I explored Nordenham during an evening dog walk with Ira's pet and spent another evening watching a film at a cinema in Bremen.

On January 13th, we traveled to Hamburg, a large city in northern Germany. We explored the city for a while, admiring the numerous red-brick buildings. Hamburg is a beautiful city, although the strong winds and cold temperatures were quite noticeable. Our visit's highlight was attending the theater play "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child." It was a fantastic experience, despite the occasional difficulty in understanding the German dialogue.

To conclude my mobility, I went ice-skating with Ira and her friends. It was my first time, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. On the final day before my return to France, Ira and I spent some time shopping in Bremen and exploring the city. Afterwards, I traveled back to France via Flixbus.

My Erasmus experience was fantastic. I truly enjoyed my time and gained a wealth of knowledge about Germany. My German speaking abilities improved, and I explored a completely different country and its unique aspects. I believe the Erasmus programme is incredibly advantageous for everyone, and if given the opportunity, one should definitely participate.