Our week in Sartrouville - Croation Team

For the last few days, we have been representing our school in the ERASMUS+ project Water & Earth Day. in Sartrouville, France. So far the week has been just remarkable. Everything has been well planned and every minute has been accompanied by joy. 

The school Lycée Évariste Galois has done a great job! The workshops were amazing. Everything was so well planned and connected with the topic of water. We only can imagine how much effort was necessary to create something like this. We appreciate all that. But what makes this project trully great are the students and teachers who take part in the project. We've met a lot of enthusiastic teachers and talented students from Italy, Spain, Romania and France. Furthermore, we mustn't forget people who have made us feel as we've been at home. Our host families! Such good people who took care of us very good. We've so delighted by their hospitality. The idea of being hosts in April next year, make us happy. In this way, we want to thank everybody. Our friends, students and teacher that organized trips, tours, and even games, but especially our hosts. We'll miss you so much, and we hope to see you all again.

All in all, we've loved it here and would like to stay with our new friends!! 

Antonia Zaja & Leo Kapitanovic