Water Day & Earth Day: The Italians' point of view

This week, our group and others, such as Croatians, Spanish, Romenian, French, had a fantastic experience.

We were hosted by French families, and we made friendship with them; it's a very important thing because that has allowed us to discover  new things about foreign cultures and languages, we were deeply immersed into this new society and school system and made us think about the differences between this country and ours.

We made plenty of activities about water, its pollution, the distribution, and even its chemical proprieties thanks to various experiments in the chemistry lab. We also made some trips near Sartrouville such as Paris, Versailles, La Seine, which are related to the water. Regarding the theme of water in Paris, we visited the Pavillon de l'Eau, full of street art about water, and a lot of history and maps about water and its distribution in all the city. For the theme of water in impressionism, we visited the Musée D'Orsay and saw many paintings about water.

I think that the most important thing is that we socialized and excanged our culture to foreign people thanks to this project.