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Nelly The Elephant Escapes From the Zoo

1) Nelly the elephant accidentally escapes from the zoo on Monday night. The zoo warden was sleeping when he heard a terrible scream: he watched a big elephant. She climbed the wall and went out of the zoo . Finally ,on Tuesday the police brought Nelly back to the zoo.

2) Last night , a child found a helium balloon and suddenly he caught it and he flew over the cloud. the elephant was watching a rainbow when suddenly a unicorn punctured the balloon. Actually, the rainbow as a multicoloured dinosaur  and now the elephant lived on the dinosaur.

3) An employee was washing the cage of the elephant when suddenly he heard a terrible scream. He didn’t close the door .Nelly the elephant quickly escaped from the zoo . And we found her in a popcorn store in Paris

9) Last night, Nelly, a thirteen year old elephant decided to go away from the zoo of our city.

For several weeks, Nelly was very sad and didn't want to play with its family. It stayed in its little house in the park.

Yesterday, the director of the zoo observed some traces of the great animal near the entry... Some people told us that three shops were destroyed downtown.

Our elephant escaped from the zoo because it looked for the means to have fun.

Thus, Nelly stole a lot of toys in the shops. Finally, the director of the zoo found the joker in the swimming pool of his city. 

Two-year-old Baby calls the police and saves his parents

4) In a small house lived the parents with their two-year-old baby. Last night, the parents were sleeping when suddenly the house burnt the baby was not sleeping so without doing it on purpose, he called the police. The baby heard the baby crying and with the data they found the house where he lived and went to the house. The police arrived and saved the baby and the parents. Then the firemen arrived and stopped the flames. Finally the family survived.

5) Last night at 11 pm , an assassin was going to kill the parents of the baby. The baby heard the assassin and called the police to save his parents. Then the  police was arriving quietly when the assassin jumped out of the balcony. he was very fast and crashed on the floor and he died. the baby was congratulated with a lot of toy dinosaurs.

6) Last Saturday in a house in Australia two burglars were imprisoning the parents’ baby in the cellar of the house when the very bad burglar fell in the stairs. The baby who was sleeping , woke  up and waited. The burglar went out of the house . The baby went to the ground floor to take the phone but the phone was on the top of the cupboard. With his super powers, he went behind the phone and called the police. The parents were saved.

Woman falls from a plane into a lake and declares she’s OK

7) Last week  a crazy woman was takingthe plane. In the middle of the trip, she started to believe that her dog was in a swimming pool on a rubber ring but her dog has been dead for two years. Then she decided to jump out of the plane togo towards her dog. Fortunately she landed in a lake. She was OK.

Karate Granny Stops a Bank Robbery

8) Last week, a granny called Ginette was walking in the street with her dog Paprika when she saw three bizarre men going out of the bank. She went discreetly behind the three men when she saw them robbing the bank. She ran towards them. She took one man and threw him on the ground. The two men went for her and Paprika bit the a** of the two other boys and Ginette kicked the man’s parts. The three men were arrested.


1. Le 11 avril 2015, 12:24 par juliedrecq

the best article is the number 8

2. Le 12 avril 2015, 12:25 par Marie Lou Dauner

The best article is number 6

3. Le 12 avril 2015, 12:42 par lenny p

the best article for me is number 1

:-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)
4. Le 12 avril 2015, 15:44 par mathis

number 8 is the best

5. Le 12 avril 2015, 19:24 par Pauline

The best article is number 8 ! :-D

6. Le 12 avril 2015, 22:49 par Yasmine

I think the best article is number 8 ;-)

7. Le 13 avril 2015, 15:07 par Clotilde

the best article is number 7

8. Le 13 avril 2015, 18:32 par Laurine

The best article is number 8 LOL

9. Le 13 avril 2015, 18:55 par nielsen

the best was number 7

10. Le 13 avril 2015, 20:20 par AnnaM

the best article is number 2

11. Le 14 avril 2015, 21:42 par Pol-Eloi

My favourite article is mine (number 9).

12. Le 15 avril 2015, 17:34 par I.C

The best article is number 6 !!! :-) :-) :mdr: :mdr: 8-) 8-) :-D :-D :-)

13. Le 15 avril 2015, 18:23 par Clara

For me the best article is number 8

14. Le 17 avril 2015, 20:02 par Jade

The best article is number 6 !!

15. Le 17 avril 2015, 23:52 par Théo


16. Le 17 avril 2015, 23:53 par Victoria

The best is number 8

17. Le 25 avril 2015, 19:04 par bosco

The best article is number 9!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : :siffle: O-) O-) O-) : :-)

18. Le 26 avril 2015, 12:14 par melvin ressayre

The best article is number 8

19. Le 30 avril 2015, 09:45 par lou

the best article is number 8 8-)

20. Le 30 avril 2015, 09:45 par lou

the best is number 6 8-)

21. Le 02 mai 2015, 11:16 par rizzoj

the best article is number 2 O-) :-) :-)

22. Le 03 mai 2015, 11:09 par Mathilde B.

The best article is number 2 O-) O-) O-) O-) O-)

23. Le 04 mai 2015, 07:27 par Chams
